Saturday 24 January 2009

Destination Wedding in Economy Crisis?

Its not a secret that the economy world-wide is in pretty bad shape at the moment and some couples are becoming worried about their destination wedding plans.

Some consider to postpone their wedding plans until the crisis is over, whilst others contemplate to celebrate in their own country.

Although one should not try to diminish the seriousness of the situation, one should also remember that there is always a natural cycle of high's and low's in our economy since mankind exists. The media has huge powers but also a great responsibility in delivering facts to people, however, unfortunately this power is often abused to manipulate markets or for personal gain. Most of us know from personal experience that we have allowed ourselves to jump on the band waggon and do certain things purely because of a media hype; whether we stopped eating butter because the headlines said 'butter is bad for you...' or took up a loan we couldn't really afford because  'loans have never been as cheap...' 

The fact of the matter is that the Dollar against the Mexican Peso makes a destination wedding in Mexico still a lot cheaper than festivities at home and there are many other countries world-wide where the same applies.

A few couples who contemplated to cancel their destination wedding quickly changed their mind when they looked at the figures taking into account that if they celebrate their wedding at home, there is no nice way to tell neighbors, friends and family that they can't come to the wedding! The cost of decorations, cake, photographers, etc. is still a lot higher in most countries than in Mexico. The other thing one should not forget is, that only people close to you will be attending a destination wedding, the guest list for a wedding at home will be considerably higher plus..... with your destination wedding you will have a honeymoon thrown into the bargain! 

If your guests are canceling on you, don't despair, there is no need to ditch your dream destination wedding! You can still celebrate your dream wedding without guests, have a wedding video made and lots of beautiful pictures taken. Follow up with a honeymoon and when you return home tanned and relaxed, just invite everyone to a reception showing the video and photos! 

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